Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Zittrauers

My sister, Julie and her husband John came to visit last week. They were the best helpers ever, John actually wanted to change dirty diapers! Naturally I let him.
They were here for 5 days and I spent the entire time trying to convince John that moving to Colorado after he graduates would be the best move for them. I was like a used car sales man, constantly trying to "sell" him on the idea of moving here. "Humidity isn't really an issue here", "You would have free daycare when you have kids if you move here", "Let's go look at some model homes so you can see how much house you can get for your money out here". I had no shame. In the end he said he would "Consider moving to Colorado". Definitely a victory!

John had never been on a horse before, so this was a wonderful opportunity to show (yet again) all that Colorado has to offer. I have to say watching John attempt to ride a horse might be the funniest thing I've seen. The look on his face was priceless, a huge smile in anticipation of his first steps. He squeezed and kicked, and nothing- she (Sherhera) wasn't moving.After a couple minutes of this, my Aunt stood on the other end of the arena and said "I'm on fire, you have 30 seconds to get over here and save me".  He squeezed and kicked some more, finally SUCCESS! We all really enjoyed the day and needless to say were sore for a couple days!

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