Saturday, September 4, 2010

Top ten reasons my new little family makes me smile!

10. Matt is very supportive of me staying home and raising our children. I've heard men say they want their wives to work, so I know I'm super lucky to have married the man I did!

9. Our well behaved animals, minus the cat. Other than Saylor loving dirty diapers (now affectionately called Saylor-snacks) and Cole marking the swing in the kitchen (we haven't yet figured out if he's mad that we take the babies out, or that we brought them home....hmm). They are great with the babies and with me since they still don't get all the attention they deserve.

8. We are close with our extended family on both sides. One of the bonuses of having lots of family in the same babysitting!!

7. Our house is full of baby crap, to include: 3 swings, 2 bouncers, 2 bumbo chairs, 2 pack n' plays, diapers galore and a gazillion little toys. Even though our house is permanently cluttered, I wouldn't have it any other way.

6. Poop!! I never really understood Matt's infatuation with poop before, but it's now one of the highlights of my day. You know, who pooped, when and how much!

5. Bradley's smile and Ella's eyes.

4. When the babies see me their little faces light up! They really like me!

3. The babies are starting to smile and coo at each other, which they never really did before.

2. Ella licks the bath water like she's a dog.

And the number one reason:  Matt and I can't stop telling each other how happy we are! Babies are awesome!!!!!!

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