Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Brellas are Baptized!!

This past weekend our sweet angels, Bradley and Ella were baptized in our home church. It was truly a blessed event.

Ella Elizabeth Eckert was sponsored by her Aunt Beth (who she is also named after) and Uncle Casey. Beth was able to come out from San Jose, CA to be here for this special occasion. We feel so blessed that she cares for our little girl as much as we do! Casey is back in Japan, but he was definitely with us in spirit.

Bradley David Eckert was sponsored by his Aunt Julie and Uncle John. They made the trip from Maryland and we really enjoyed their visit.

To make the day even more special, my best friend, Christina made a surprise trip to Colorado!! It is a true friend that will drive 10 hours (each way) to be here for one day. She brought her friends Jessi and Sarah for the ride. I feel great knowing she has such great girls looking out for her in Oklahoma since I can't be there. Hopefully we'll be able to make a trip out there soon!!! I love my Christina-bear

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