Saturday, September 11, 2010

Where were you........

There are only a few moments in my life that I can really remember, I can remember what the air smelled like, what I was wearing and exactly how I felt. The day I was married and my children's birth, of course. I remember when I found out about the Columbine shootings and the death of Princess Diana.....and how could anyone forget September 11, 2001.
I was a senior in high school and didn't have class that day until 11am, but there was a senior assembly, so I had to go in early. My dad woke me up a little after 7am and told me a plane flew into one of the twin towers (my sister lived in New York City at the time and I had actually been to the towers a couple months earlier). It was kinda like, "What a horrible thing that's happened, how did that pilot get so off course". The thought that a terrorist was involved never even entered my mind. My dad and I watched the footage on the news and then I went about getting ready for school.
I was curling my hair and watching TV at the same time. They kept showing the footage of the first plane hitting the tower over and over again. Then the unthinkable happened, another plane hit the second tower. At first I was confused because I thought they were just showing the first plane again, but the reporters voices were absolutely terrified. My dad and I just looked at eachother and I asked "What's happening?".
I was pretty naive and still didn't catch on that this was a terrorist attack, I know my dad knew it was, but didn't know how to tell me.
We both sat on the couch and just watched. We watched both towers fall and I remember feeling horrified and crying. How could this be happening??  I literally watched people die that day, I still get emotional if I think about it. Today is a day to remember all the people who lost their lives that day. They will forever be remembered.

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