Friday, January 21, 2011

"First Time!!"

A few months ago Ella learned how to close the lid on her toy laptop. She was so proud of herself. She'd let you open it and then she would shut it with such enthusiasm and then look at you for approval. So cute. She started this one afternoon and we played this game for almost an hour.
The next afternoon Matt was playing with the babies and said, "Laura, look what I taught Ella to do!". Sure enough she was closing the laptop. I felt bad, but I told him she had started it the day before (I left out the part where I had actually taught her). I could tell he was disappointed, it must be hard to miss so many "firsts" because he is at work.
That's when I started lying. The next few times he thought he was witnessing something new, I would say "That's the first time". He figured me out pretty quickly and we laughed. So, now whenever anyone thinks the babies are doing something for the first time we shout, "First time!!!" and everyone laughs.
Since I am with them 99.9% of the time I usually do get to witness the first time experiences- until this week. The other day Bradley was playing with his race car toy that spins around and shoots the cars out. He was then picking up the car and putting it back on the spinny thing. I was so excited, I called Matt to tell him about our little man's accomplishment. Let's just say I was surprised to hear a big "First time!!!".

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