Monday, March 14, 2011

Brellas turn 1!!!

Happy Birthday to my darling Ella and Bradley!! Their actual birthday was kinda boring and probably not the best day for them. We started with a trip to the doctor for a check up and some shots. I know, best mom ever for scheduling shots on their birthday. Luckily my babies are troopers and didn't mind much.
Next we skipped our nap to have pictures taken.......big mistake. Ella was in an "okay" mood, but not Bradley- he cried almost the entire time. Our photographer is awesome and suggested we try another day at NO CHARGE!!!
So cute!
Cranky guy!
I can clap.
See how cute I am?
Originally, I had planned to make them cupcakes the day before and we would have a little family celebration and watch them attempt to eat a nice treat. Yeah, well, that didn't happen. We just had a nice quiet evening at home and went to bed early!

That Sunday we had a party to celebrate their birthday along with two of their cousins (there are 6 birthdays in a 5 weeks time span). I was super excited for the cupcake portion of the party. Ella loved her's, but Bradley- not so much. He hardly ate any of it, then the next week at his cousin Shane's party he chowed down on cake. Apparently Amanda makes better dessert!
Tyler with the coolest gift ever!!

Mmmmm, cake!
"You want me to do what?"
The birthday girls, Marissa and Ella
Bradley likes his blanket

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