Monday, January 10, 2011


One of my favorite things to do is just watch. I like to watch the babies interact with everyone, especially each other. Their personalities pour out of them when they are together. Bradley is very assertive and adventurous. Ella is much more laid back and curious.
Today, before their nap we were playing in their room and they both wanted to see their new walking toy (I divided the Christmas toys up so I could rotate them when they seemed bored). Ella was carefully inspecting some of the parts that move and Bradley just pushed her out of the way! You'd think Ella would get upset or fight back, but she's not that kind of girl. She just finds something else to look at.
When Bradley started crawling he quickly learned he could steal whatever toy Ella had and run away with it. Since she wasn't mobile she figured out if she held the toy above her head he couldn't reach it. Bradley would get so frustrated and start looking at me like, "Well, aren't you going to get it from her?
I can't wait for them to start "talking" to each other on a regular basis. I keep hearing stories about twins that have their own language. So far they don't really acknowledge the other one unless the have too. Maybe because they are boy/girl they won't have the same bond as other twins. I can't wait to find out!

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