Saturday, July 2, 2011

Do you want to know how I know?

Lately my children have been picking up new skills left and right. Some of them are awesome and some of them are really scary. For example, Bradley can now stand up without having to hold onto something, yay! He can also climb into and stand on the computer chair, do you want to know how I know?
Ella was playing on the fireplace and took a nasty fall (which is why babies shouldn't stand on the fireplace, but nobody listens to me). I was holding her on the couch trying to calm her down when I saw a head, just a cute, little Bradley-shaped head. He looked at me and smiled. Keep in mind that we have an L shaped couch and his little head was poking out above the back of the couch. My first thought was that he must have climbed the bookshelf that is up against the back of the couch, but he seemed too far away. As I came around the corner of the couch I was surprised and terrified to see he was standing on the computer chair. Great. He was so excited to see me coming his way he reach out for me (letting go of the chair) and fell. I tried to catch him, but I was still holding a sobbing Ella and was only able to catch his head before it thumped against the floor (I guess if you are going to catch something, the head is the way to go). I'm not a fan of this particular skill, but he loves it and is climbing onto everything possible. Oh the joys of toddlers!

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