Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Our Fairytale Engagement

During the summer of 2006 I was working in Malibu, California at a camp for blind children. Matt was home in Colorado Springs. We had been a couple for a little over a year. I knew that first summer that he was going to be my husband and he thought the same thing, but he had a saying, "You need to get to know someone through all the seasons before marriage is a option".
Before I left for California, Matt and I had gone to a jeweler to look at engagement rings. We had decided that I would pick out  two rings and he would make the final decision, this way it would still be a surprise, but I would get a ring that I really loved. I wanted an emerald cut diamond, but Matt really liked the princess cut. So, the salesperson helped us find two settings we really liked, one for the emerald and one for the princess. When they dropped the princess cut diamond into the setting all I could say was, "Holy cow". It was spectacular, I've never seen anything like it. I liked the emerald setting too, but I was in love with this one. I left the decision up to Matt as promised.
Matt came to California to visit at the end of July. I had a few days off and we decided to go to Disneyland with my new friend, Kari. I was so happy to see him, this was a small camp with 30 employees sharing one phone and two computers. I didn't get much time to talk to Matt, so to have him there in person was amazing.
I didn't suspect that he would pop the question on this trip, mainly because our family wasn't there and I still had three weeks before coming home and I couldn't imagine saying goodbye to my new fiancee. Getting engaged was the farthest thing from my mind.
After a few hours at the park we decided to have our caricature drawn. I remember that it took forever and I was very concerned about how we would look, goofy or gorgeous? When he was done the artist motioned for us to come take a look. As a women my eyes went directly to my side of the portrait and I immediately started to comment about how I like the way my hair looked. I was so engrossed that I didn't even notice the huge ring and bubble over Matt's head that read, "Will you marry me?". My friend Kari was kind enough to tell me to look up. I was floored and before I knew it Matt was down on one knee holding my hand. To be honest I don't remember anything he said (thankfully he wrote it down for me). I just remember seeing the "Holy cow" ring and giving him the wrong hand. At some point I said, "YES!" and we were engaged! It was truly a fairytale moment and I had my prince charming. I can't believe it's been 5 years since our magical moment. I'm so blessed to have such an amazing husband.
July 26, 2006.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The greatest Aunt Marty!

Matt's, Aunt Marty and her husband, Steve came to visit from Illinois! The last time we saw them I was barely pregnant and they were getting married. Needless to say there wasn't a lot of time to chat, but this time we spent a lot of time visiting and playing with the babies. We were sad to see them go, but we'll cherish the memories!
Chris, Bradley, Ella and Marty

Chris, Matt, Bradley, Ella, Marty and Steve

Ella loves her greatest Aunt Marty!

Friday, July 15, 2011

I got a good one!!

I feel so very proud of myself right now. I did it. I managed to take a good picture of my children. If you read my earlier post you'll know I'll been trying to do this for the past week. Well, today I met VICTORY!
On top of that, my mom bought the babies a water table...so cool! They love it and spent a good 30 minutes playing in the water and getting drenched. Thanks, mom!
Our attempt at a family photo


This is it, the "good" one!

I love that Ella is trying to lick Bradley and Saylor just thinks it's a giant water bowl.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

"You want what?"

The other day my mother-in-law, Chris asked for a recent, good picture of the Brellas together. She will be going to lunch with an old friend and wanted evidence that she has the cutest grandchildren in the world. Matt and I just looked at each other and I explained to her that we don't have any. I have tons of good pictures individually, but none of the two together. I told her I would try to get one...
That evening when we got home, I took the kiddos into the front yard and start taking a TON of pictures. Guess what? Not a single good picture of the two of them, geez. I'll have to try again tonight.
This is the last "good" picture of the two of them, they are 6 months old.
At the pool
At the zoo
Well, at least they're both in it

Best one of the bunch

What if daddy holds them, hmmm not so much :(

Saturday, July 2, 2011

A day at the pool!

My mother-in-law, Chris and I took the babies to the pool for the first time. I thought they would love it (they love baths, it's the same thing, right?) and they did for the first 20 minutes. Then, Ella took in a whole mouth full of water and she was done. A couple minutes later Bradley did the same thing. Next time were going to go to the inside pool and get in the water with them (vs. holding their hands and letting them wade in the water). I'll report back how much fun they have!


I'm cold too!

Sliding and bouncing!

Yesterday I made my mom take us to the park! I haven't been brave enough to do it on my own because there are too many of them and not enough of me. Bradley loved to swing, Ella did not (she knows a baby could get hurt). Most of all they loved the slide!!
When we got back to my mom's house her neighbor had a bouncy castle set up and said we could see if the baby's would "bounce". They couldn't really stand up, but they loved it when we would bounce them from the outside. All and all a very fun day.

I like it!

During! This is my favorite!

My mom teaching Ella to climb back up!

Trying to stand, he was unsuccessful.
Bouncy fun!

Do it again!

Do you want to know how I know?

Lately my children have been picking up new skills left and right. Some of them are awesome and some of them are really scary. For example, Bradley can now stand up without having to hold onto something, yay! He can also climb into and stand on the computer chair, do you want to know how I know?
Ella was playing on the fireplace and took a nasty fall (which is why babies shouldn't stand on the fireplace, but nobody listens to me). I was holding her on the couch trying to calm her down when I saw a head, just a cute, little Bradley-shaped head. He looked at me and smiled. Keep in mind that we have an L shaped couch and his little head was poking out above the back of the couch. My first thought was that he must have climbed the bookshelf that is up against the back of the couch, but he seemed too far away. As I came around the corner of the couch I was surprised and terrified to see he was standing on the computer chair. Great. He was so excited to see me coming his way he reach out for me (letting go of the chair) and fell. I tried to catch him, but I was still holding a sobbing Ella and was only able to catch his head before it thumped against the floor (I guess if you are going to catch something, the head is the way to go). I'm not a fan of this particular skill, but he loves it and is climbing onto everything possible. Oh the joys of toddlers!