Wednesday, February 29, 2012

2 year checkup!

My little loves are 2 years old, I still can't believe it! Today was exciting because they had their 2 year checkup. I get excited to see how much they are growing. Especially Ella, she is little and hadn't been on the growth chart for weight until she was 18 months old. Even then she was only in the 3rd percentile. Luckily she's short, so she's perfectly healthy. This time she weighed in at 22 pounds and 33 inches (they measured her length which isn't really appropriate for her age, so my mom and I are going to get her height on Friday). She's now in the 5th percentile for weight, we'll take it!

Bradley has been more "average" when it comes to growth, which is amazing to me because he really doesn't seem to eat anything. Apparently he's getting enough because he was a whopping 25 pounds and 34 inches (Once again they measured length, not height- it shouldn't bother me so much, but there is a difference and the growth chart they are using requires height to be accurate). My little baby is growing too fast!

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