Thursday, October 21, 2010


Having twins has been an amazing experience! Before they were born people really scared us with all the horror stories...basically letting us know we would be exhausted beyond belief. Surprisingly, it wasn't that bad. The most tired and cranky I felt was before Ella came home and it was just Bradley and me. It was such a relief to have them both home and I was adamant about keeping them on a schedule. So, if one baby said they were hungry...they both ate! I'm almost thankful people made it seem like it would be worse than it actually was.
Ella and Bradley are so lucky to have each other! When they were newborns, they loved to cuddle and now that they are getting older they love to laugh together. It's true that they have some sort of twin telepathy. I wish I were a twin!
1 week
First day home together

7 weeks

5 1/2 months

8 months

8 months

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