Sunday, June 27, 2010

My Pet Peeves

In general I would like to think I'm a calm relaxed person. The kind of person that's not bothered by many things. In reality A LOT of things bother me. I tend to go on rants about different subjects because I think they are just ridiculous. My mother and husband say they love this side of me- mostly because I look like a fool, ranting a raving (in private of course) about things I can't do anything about. Here are a few of my pet peeves:

-People who go out into public without looking in a mirror before they leave the house. I'm not saying you have to be camera ready at every moment, just run a brush through your hair a couple times, that's all I'm asking.

-Parents that are afraid to tell their children "no". It would be great if we lived in a world where we always get what we want, but we don't, so do us all a favor and teach your children that lesson.

-Turning into the wrong lane. It's not that difficult, turn into the closest lane.

-Laundry- I just hate it.

-People who enjoy running. I don't really have any beef with the people, I just HATE to run (I would seriously rather poke my eye out), so it irritates me that there are people in the world that enjoy it. The real problem is that I'm jealous I don't enjoy it!

-Animals getting in my way. I spend countless hours every week asking the dogs to move. You would think that they would learn to get out of the way when they see me coming, but no, even if I run into them they don't move. I literally have to push them out of the way.

-The commercials that make the credit card companies look evil. "Are they harassing you by calling multiple times a day?". Here's an idea: If you can't afford it, don't buy it.

-People are afraid to eat normally around me, I think they think I'm going to judge them (my degree is in nutrition). I'll set the record straight....I don't really care.

-The statement, "Carbs are bad". Carbs are not bad, they are totally necessary for overall health. Protein has the same amount of calories per gram. The statement should be, "Carbs taste better, therefore I overeat and gain weight". And that's not even a true statement, but you get the point, calories in/calories out.

-People judging what I eat. A guy yelled at me once at a BBQ because I was eating a hamburger, "How can you call yourself a nutritionist, look at what you're eating". Anything in moderation people, geez.

-The entitlement complex. While working in government assistance I learned that people really think they are entitled to help from the government, or more accurately from other tax paying citizens (but most of them don't actually understand that concept, they just think the government has an endless supply of money).

-Coming to pick up WIC checks carrying a Coach bag. Let me get this straight, you can't afford food for your kid, but you can spend $150 on a purse?

-Movies where one person is portrayed as horrible, so when their spouse cheats on them, it' s somehow okay. Just to be clear: It is NEVER okay to cheat on your spouse. What message is this sending?

I feel better :)


  1. I never think you are a fool! But sometimes you are pretty funny.

    I agree with you on items #2, 3, 5, 9, and 10.

  2. Haha!! You are too funny!! I have to say I agree on almost all of them, except running. I happen to be "that person" that enjoys running. Trust me, it is an acquired taste.

  3. Coach bags actually start around $275 and can go up and up and up (the wallets alone are over $100) That buys a loooooooooot of baby food...

    P.S. I agree with ALL of your points. Except maybe the last one because movies are an art form and usually have symbols and metaphors and blah, blah, blah. Anyway, you are very smart.
