Sunday, May 30, 2010

Graduations Galore!

This was the weekend for graduations. First, my friend Amanda received her Doctorate in Physical Therapy, she's now officially Dr. Hamilton. My mom went with me, so I didn't have to take the babies alone and boy I'm glad she came!! The ceremony was outside and it was soooo hot. I thought Bradley and Ella might melt, fortunately they made it through in tact.
The next day we headed up to Steamboat Springs to watch my cousin Jesse's high school graduation. I was so proud, I started crying when he walked in (I'm sure it was half happiness and half postpartum hormones).
Our family is really into playing Catch Phrase (a hot potato guessing game), but since my aunt and uncle moved from the Springs we haven't been able to play as often as we'd like. It was just like old times, with the yelling and laughing hysterically. Were very happy they are planning to move back home this summer!
This was also the first time some of my cousins met the babies and the first time my aunt and uncle were able to hold Ella since she was still in the NICU when they came to visit Bradley. It was a great weekend and we are so proud of our graduate!

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