Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Saylor turns 10!

Saylor came into my life 10 years ago as my 7th guide dog puppy in training. When I say he's been with me my entire adult life I'm not kidding, he came to me just 5 days after I graduated high school. He was the cutesy puppy I've ever seen.

Saylor and Nolan

One ear up and one ear down
Our first of many pictures together

He was the cutest puppy ever!

Our tight bond comes from our first summer together, I moved to Denver to begin college early. I was extremely homesick and lonely, but having Saylor helped me to finish the summer semester.

Big ears!

At college, he's a smart pup

A year later it was time to send him back to California so he could become the guide dog he was meant to be.....or was he? He had been gone about 7 weeks when I received the most amazing phone call ever. Turned out he had a vision problem and couldn't work as a guide dog, they asked if I wanted to keep him as a pet! I started jumping up and down and crying hysterically. He was officially mine.

10 years and counting

My handsome boy!

We've grown up together through relationships, college, marriage and now motherhood. He has been my devoted companion through it all. I am so blessed to have had him through all the ups and downs. He is my first baby and I'll love him always.